Shooting Climbing

This is a task that I have still yet to tackle...please give me feedback. I think this is the closest I've gotten so far in shooting indoor climbing. And oh yeah...i almost died climbing scaffolding to get to the top of the wall to shoot these.


Elizabeth Stallmeyer said...

dude so sick! i love the perspective.

Lindsey Léger said...

Agreed, this is a very nice shot. I love how you focused on the hand with the chalk and let his face fall out of focus.

This could evolve into a story about one climber, a competition, the gym, a group of friends who climb, etc. If there's someone or something that really interests you, keep that in mind and it may help to inform your shooting. Also try to just get as many different "kinds" of shots as you can-- your wide angle or aerial shots, some focusing on one group of people or one activity, detail shots, portraits, and so on. I'd love to see more of these photos :)

Brett Carlsen said...

Whenever trying a totally new idea I'd suggest shooting a lot. and changing lens/perspective a lot. You may find the opposite of your plan works much better than your original idea. And as Lindsey said, keep in mind what you're trying to portray as you shoot, It will help make a lot of the choices for you.

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