Week 1 in PA-3

For those of you that this will apply to for next qtr...

PA-3            Section 01
Instructor_ Patti Russotti, patti.russotti@rit.edu
The best way to reach me or to schedule an appointment is by email
Office # 475-6607
Gannett 2234

Break Assignment

This is a free form assignment. The images can be a combination of self portraits, a narrative that is important to you, landscapes, still lifes, or a collection of images that you create over the next week that are of value to you.
Most of you will have no problems coming up with ideas.
IF you do not really know what to do, please contact me immediately for some ideas.

Some of you I know well
Some of you I do not know at all
Some of you may not know each other or the kind of work you prefer to do
This is an opportunity for all of us to get to see how we work and develop a knowledge and respect for each class member.

·      An opportunity to show your style and imaging preferences to the members of your section of PA_3
·      Practice camera and exposure skills
·      Optimize all images in Lightroom and build collections that group your images.

Assignment Specs:
Create a minimum of 100 images, more is always welcome
o   Use a tripod or mono-pod when necessary
o   Hand held exposure meter
o   Each lighting situation must begin with a Gretag Macbeth Color Checker or
o   Whi-bal card. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Monday March 8, 2010
We will optimize images during class.

OUTPUT costs and expectations
I will expect that each of you have saved enough money to make weekly contact prints, work prints and when appropriate, final prints. Early in the qtr, we will explore a variety of substrates – glossy, lustre, matte etc .., as well as test for scale – which images work better small or large and how does that impact the image.
We will be making our own prints and you may also want to experiment with the ISL and ESP output for large sizes prints.
Expect to spend up to $500 for output costs.
To learn how to print well, it requires learning how to properly optimize your files and then do all the appropriate testing to achieve the correct final print. The only way you know if you have done the file prep right is to make a print! LOTS of prints! Our goal is to begin to understand what is required to optimize, soft proof and make good work prints and final prints.
You will build a portfolio at the end of the year.

Week 1           
Monday            March 8, 2010
·      Introductions
·      Course overview and qtr assignments
·      My expectations of each of you
·      Ingest and optimize break assignment
·      Edit and set up collections
·      Optimize images
·      Create an initial pdf of strongest images – can be multiple collections based on theme and type

Tuesday March 9, 2010
·      Crit of images from break assignment

Wednesday March 10, 2010
·      Adjust images based on feedback from Tuesday
·      Re-optimize where necessary
·      Make contact prints
·      Make work prints

·      Review next assignment

What to bring to class for week 1
·      Finished shooting assignment
·      Prints to share with class from the last qtr
·      Money for your ID to print
·      Inkjet paper that you want to make contacts and work prints on


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