Crappy weekend

Does anyone know how to earn a couple hundred dollars really fast that doesn't involve selling my bodily fluids?

Also, here's a couple sarcastic snow pictures (by which I mean, overly-happy, Thomas Kinkade/Norman Rockwell-esque, totally not my style pictures)

And this is part of my "inspiration wall" in my room. I'm also trying to start a polaroid wall, but it's pathetic-looking at the moment, so I won't show it to you.Some essentials (as far as I'm concerned): pretty photos/posters to look at, rubber cement, hard drives, apple (for snacking), smelly candle, cutting mat, scissors/exacto, sketchbook, RIT hoodie


Maggie Stockman said...

I find it important to have an inspiration wall too. Last summer, in my room back at home, after rummaging for days on end, I finally had torn out roughly 100 magazine pages and proceeded to lay them out in color order (or as we know it now, H V/C order, not that I knew that then :P) and covered one entire bedroom wall top to bottom. Maybe I was a wee bit bored, but I know that waking up to those images every day helped me create a lot of good work that summer and always managed to make me happy and inspired.

PS- Those icicles are menacing.

Lindsey Léger said...

No man it's all good, I used to organize my closet in H V/C order. My mom thought I was a lesbian.

And yeah, going to the basement to do laundry is like braving a frozen cave in Antarctica.

Alex Strohmeier said...

Hahahaha. I organized my closet to coordinate the different regions of Oz...emerald city...munchkin land.

And I agree, a work space filled with inspiration is really important. I hate cleaning my room and finding out that it looks like a perfectly functional work space/cubicle.

Patti said...

different regions of oz?
Closets via HSL?
Oy vey - you all need more to do!
No one organizes and inspires by "piles"?

Alex Strohmeier said...

I meant to say I used to..haha I don't do that anymore. I now follow the philosophy of organized chaos.

Maggie Stockman said...

I organize my closet my type of item, then color of the item.... I feel my OCD growing as I get older. If only my desk was the victim of OCD, currently it is organized in piles as well hahaha.

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