Something I've been noticing more and more lately in our critiques or blogging is people's lack of faith in their images. I admit that I do it too, but starting off our description with, "I know these are bad BUT..." is probably not the best idea.
I attended Kareem Black's lecture Thursday night and one point he stressed many times was the fact that sometimes a job is just a job. You aren't always going to like your images, you're not always going to be proud of them, and you're not going to want to tell people you shot them. But ultimately you did. You have to, "leap without looking", as Black put it, and believe in yourself and the people around you. I know that I have never felt more comfortable in an artistic setting than I have in Patti's class, and I'm always excited to show my images.... even if she destroys my lighting set-ups in front of the entire class ;)
Maybe you don't like these projects, but that's no excuse to keep personal projects going on back at home! Kareem also stressed the importance of this saying that you can't lose yourself in the money, or the job, or the ultimate result. You have to stand out in your own way. So if you aren't happy with what you do in class, utilize what you learned and produce something you love in the comforts of your own humble abode.
So be happy and be proud! Negativity from you onto your audience will only make them feel the same way, and they won't be able to create their own opinion about it. Be you as much as you can! Isn't that all we really can do?
Here's my current personal project: trying to make these little babies grow in the cold of winter! :

I feel that sometimes, I get really mad when I do a shoot that I'm not proud of...and honestly I'd rather delete them quickly off of my hard drive so I never have to see them again.
Cheesy Sauce: Shoot what you love, love what you shoot.
Alex - don't delete them all!!!
think of them as pages in your sketchbook and learn from them - DECONSTRUCT each one to determine what is wrong. The mood, the light, composition, some technical thing or they just didn't strike your "fancy" at the moment? All things change - do not be so quick to discard - trust me on this one!
maggie - thanks for sharing - your sentiments and thoughts are spot on.
Love the little seedlings - hope to see them flourish thru the qtr.
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