Hey guys!
Wow, it sure seems wild we are headed to the studio tomorrow. I must say I'm rather nervous for I have never used a studio before. The closest I have ever had is the makeshift studio my dad had me use (a roll of white butcher paper and a few standing hot lights). What really amazes is me is the thought that using the studio will become as familiar as using lightroom, which I was also very intimidated by in the beginning. I know how I felt being at home, explaining many of the new things I have learned here to my parents. Though it's hard for me to imagine now, by the end of this quarter I will have a whole new set of skills. It's both daunting and exciting. As for this portrait contest, I'd like to see our class show everyone what we're made of! Regardless of how my own photos turn out, I think our class as a whole is a serious contender.
Isn't it amazing how quickly a skill set emerges?
Each of you have grown so much since September - craft and concept - and just individual comfort levels - impressive group!
YES - I have very high expectations for you all for this portrait triptych.
What is interesting for me - I can almost pre-visualize each of your pieces now - HAH - will be interesting to see how accurate I am or - even better - how much you will each change between the next 2 assignments!
Most important, in addition to learning new skills - HAVE FUN and problem solve.....
You guys will definitely have a blast, it's exciting, it's fun, it's scary. Lighting will become a strong part of everything you do, even if you never use strobes when you're not forced to, everything ties together and everything will become about learning how light looks and falls and how to control it. It's what these photographic tommy guns are made to do, capture what you tell it.
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