A proposal for all of us

First of all, I want to say how much I'm enjoying shooting film for Robert's "taboo" assignment. I've had some technical and logistical problems and I don't know if I've really captured the assignment with this, but I'm really enjoying going through my older negatives, scanning and creating new bodies of work.

Second-- and of course we would have to discuss this with Patti first-- I've been thinking for a while that it would be really nice to work on a collaborative project with all of you. It doesn't even necessarily have to be for PA, but I think it would be interesting for us to decide on a topic, theme, etc., all go out and shoot it, have a few edits and make it into one cohesive piece. My thought is that this could take the form of a blurb book (or something similar), with all of our work in it, so that by the end of the year we would each have this book of work to take away with us. If we leave the program or never take another photo class, we'll have some of each others' work to remember everyone by. It would also give us all good experience editing and curating a project with several contributors.

If any of you are interested, or have other ideas, leave a little comment and hopefully we can discuss this further in class, and how it will take shape over the next quarter. Since September I've really come to appreciate what each of you bring to the table, and I don't think any one of us are superficial; we all have something to say. I'd love to see what we can make together.


Alex Strohmeier said...

Lindsey, I think that's a wonderful idea. I would love to do that.

Serenity said...

i agree!

Christian Colburn said...

We could do triptychs!

Alex Strohmeier said...


Lindsey Léger said...

Christian, you're off the island.

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