Ok so, these images are kind of lame but the are things that I associate with winter. Obviously the bottom 3 images are materials we all use to help keep us warm, women probably have more of a tendancy to use them more than men. Atleast I hope. Scarves and gloves are acceptable, but some of these boots...not so much. But anyway, the point is that in some way or another every one of us has a version of these materials to help us trench around this campus and through this weather. Additionally, i have the practical image of looking from the outside in. I feel in the winter not only do must of us prefer to stay inside where its warm the snow becomes a type of unreal object. Many hate it once their our in it but it's always enjoyable to look at from a distance. In a practical sense though, I happened to catch them removing the snow from the pathways to make our walks to class a bit easier. Guess that emphasis's the weight of winter in a more literal way if you think about it? Moving all the weight of the snow with heavier machinery? eh. Last but not least the food image! I dont know bout everyone else but I know that as opposed to summer there is less to do in terms of activity so i find myself eating more...and more as the winter goes on...I like to refer to it as...Hybernation. So this is my official image for the weight of winter project because many people put weight on over the winter. Whether we like it or not, many do and its because the cold makes us lazy so just like me...we sit inside a little to much in front of the tv with some popcorn and start packing on the weight. :)
Let's make a pact to NOT call out images LAME. Yeah - sometimes they are - but really - sometimes they are what they are. The reality is every image will not be AMAZING. Learn to look at your practice of photography as a practice and process. Lots of looking and capturing to help you define a vision. It may take you a LONG time to feel like "This is it!" You won't find it until you make LOTS of images. Learn the craft - that is the technical and aesthetic aspects to make something that makes you feel - AHHHHH....
No more disclaimers - just evaluate, respond and move on.
Sorry Shelby - seems like I am picking on you this week - NOT my intention. BUT - thank you for being so strong and letting me use you as this week's example:)
This is a place for students to share their work and get feedback, post links and others' work that they find interesting. It's a safe environment to share your ideas and bring our critiques and collaborations outside the classroom.
Let's make a pact to NOT call out images LAME.
Yeah - sometimes they are - but really - sometimes they are what they are. The reality is every image will not be AMAZING.
Learn to look at your practice of photography as a practice and process.
Lots of looking and capturing to help you define a vision.
It may take you a LONG time to feel like "This is it!"
You won't find it until you make LOTS of images.
Learn the craft - that is the technical and aesthetic aspects to make something that makes you feel - AHHHHH....
No more disclaimers - just evaluate, respond and move on.
Sorry Shelby - seems like I am picking on you this week - NOT my intention. BUT - thank you for being so strong and letting me use you as this week's example:)
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